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AKB Elections

This year AKB elections ended up with a massive uproar.

But isn’t it incredible?
In 2008 when I started to work with the group I could feel its relative popularity, but to think that it would grow to become a national group, to the point that its elections would become a topic of discussion in 「Asamade Nama TV」…(^_^;)

I followed the elections in front of my TV.
Here my personal impressions.

First Sashihara.
She is exactly the same person behind the scene, she is really a great girl.
She is always insecure and for each new choreography she will come and ask 「Are moves difficult this time?」.
I’m looking forward to see how this Sashihara, who now carries on her shoulders the huge responsibility to be AKB center,  will change from now on.

And something that made me very happy this time was WMatsui joining Kami7!
I watched them with deep emotion thinking
“Ahh~ They made it that far~”.
But I don’t want them to stop here, I want them to aim higher.

One person I respect particularly in AKB, Takamina.
With her small figure, she not only command and lead members, but staffs too.
On the field, I saw her countless times handle works destined at managers and staffs.
She isn’t that strong of a girl and yet, she gives so so much it looks like she could just break there.
If she were to leave AKB, there is no doubt in my mind it would collapse.
I can’t help but wish her value was more appreciated.

Miyazawa Sae.
Sae was so cool yesterday~
This girl is really a fighter, shining as bright as the sun in  adversity.
When she is there, somehow, you can feel at peace.
Before I realized it, I was thinking I wanted to be by her side to support her in Shanghai.

I will keep in my chest lots of emotions I got from everyone during those elections.
Every and each member was radiant.